Christmas is Coming!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! We ate lots and lots of food. Ryan and I had four relaxing days in New Jersey with his family. We got some Christmas shopping done, went to a New Jersey Devil’s hockey game and were couch potatoes. We’re really good at staying on the couch for hours 🙂



Once we were back at our apartment holiday decorating was in full effect. This is the first year since moving from Oregon that I actually love my Christmas decorations. 




Ryan found this snow globe of a red fox – We met at Marist, which is the home of the Red Foxes! How cool, right?!


Here’s a fun fact – Ryan has never had a real Christmas tree before! I’m in love with our little tree. I don’t think I could ever have a fake tree, I love the pine scent too much!



Filed under Christmas, Life, Thanksgiving

Time Flies

The saying time flies when you’re having fun is so true.
This week is Ryan’s and my six year anniversary of dating! Though we’ve been super busy with work, we were able to have a nice dinner last night to celebrate and we’re going to go out for dinner on Saturday.

Ryan surprised me with delicious Indian food and Insomnia Cookies (healthy eating was forgotten last night!). 


Here’s our first ever picture together at Marist. We look so young!!!


I still haven’t run since the NYC Marathon… I should probably start up again… oops! I am going to Pure Barre though which I’m totally addicted to again 🙂 If there isn’t a studio near you and recommend buying one of the videos. They’re awesome!


Filed under Anniversary, BF

Giveaway Winner!

The winner of the totally awesome and delicious granola from Wildway is Annie! Congrats! 
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Please e-mail me at

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Filed under Giveaway

Taking Time to Relax + a Cool Work Event

I can’t believe it’s only Tuesday! Man oh man am I tired. 

Last night we had our biggest event of the year at work.


Highlight of the night – Meeting Bill Cowher and hanging out with about 200 athletes. Most of them Olympians. 


With all of the stress from work I’ve really been trying to make more time to relax and eating healthy foods a priority. You really have no idea how much of a difference it makes. Even just taking time to take a bath relieves so much stress.

This bath soak from Kerstin Florian is my favorite: link here


Remember today is the last day to win some awesome granola from Wildway!
—-> Click here to enter!


Filed under Giveaway, Kerstin Florian, Stress, Work

Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend was nice and relaxing. 

Saturday I went to brunch with some of my friends from the Junior League. It’s always nice to have an afternoon with the girls. We’re already planning the next brunch and a trip to Atlantic City! It’s crazy how much more time you have once you don’t have to train for a marathon!


Sunday was filled with errands and cleaning. I’m terrible at cleaning during the week so on Sundays I go crazy with cleaning. 

This weekend Ryan and I decided we really need to eat healthier. If you want to join us in healthy eating, enter my giveaway!  The Wildway granola is amazing. We’ve had it for breakfast both Saturday and Sunday… and I might have had it for a snack too.


Filed under Giveaway, Weekend

Starting the Weekend Right

It was a verrry busy week at work and I had no time to write! I’m so happy it’s the weekend! Ryan and I always try to sleep in and have a healthy breakfast to start the weekend right.

This morning we tried a new granola that is AMAZING. It’s super fresh and tasty (and dairy and gluten free!!!). I might be a little obsessed with it. We mix it with greek yogurt and put honey on top. Ryan is very picky about granola and he loved it too.


Because our little household loves WildWay granola so much we’re going to give away a bag for you to try!!! Check out their web site here.


To enter, just like them on Facebook and comment below about something fun you’re doing this weekend!

Contest will end Tuesday, November 19th 🙂


Filed under Giveaway, Healthy eating, Weekend

Fall Fete and Another Race!

This weekend was so much fun! Ryan and I had a blast at Fall Fete on Saturday night. We meet up with our friends Mallory and Matt, had some drinks, appetizers and looked over the auction items. 



I guess we’re all a little competitive and chose which items we had to have… Ryan really wanted one basket, so I could not lose. We won two baskets…We also won a Sprinkles Cupcakes gift certificate and a dinner for two at a restaurant (we only paid $45 in the silent auction!)


It was a great end to my birthday week. The party was at the Colony Club on Park Avenue which was really cool. It’s always fun to see new and interesting places. Mallory and I decided that the room would be perfect for a wedding. 🙂


Oh, and I joined a Ragner Relay team! Cape Cod! May 9th – 10th!!! Another race added to the books. I’m excited. My first relay!




Filed under BF, Colony Club, Friends, Ragner Relay, Silent Auction

Cold Weather Running – fashion

I love when it gets cold here in New York. I would much rather run in 25 degree weather then hot, humid weather. I’m always excited to see what new cold weather gear comes out each year, so when the Nordstrom catalogue arrived last night full of awesome cold weather running clothes I knew I had to investigate further on their web site.

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I’m obsessed with both of these outfits. Under Armour Cozy tights are where it’s at.

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And this Zella running jacket and tights… I love all of the textures!!! My Christmas list this year might just be all running clothes…


Filed under Cold Weather, Fashion, Shopping

My Birthday!

Yesterday was such a great day! At work my co-workers bought donut holes, gave me flowers, we went out for lunch (sushi!!) and had Baked by Melissa Cupcakes! The day flew by and before I knew it, it was time to get my haircut!
I just got a trim  – nothing too crazy. I might get bangs next time…
image-4I met up with Ryan at Columbus Circle and we headed to Tommy Lasagna on the lower east side. The food was amazing and we left happy and full.
Ryan gave me my gift at dinner! A Pandora bracelet. I’ve been wanting one for a few years now, so I was really excited! I love it!
We got dessert to go since we were super full and headed home to open my presents from my parents! I got an awesome watch, jacket and some Eloise stuff from the Plaza Hotel. When I was little I loved the Eloise books. I have two Eloise Christmas Ornaments and I may have had a lunchbox too!
My 27th Birthday was just perfect. It ended with me and Ryan eating chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream and watching Modern Family. 
Saturday we’ll be going to the New York Junior League’s Fall Fete and I cannot wait! I’m saying it’s a birthday party too 🙂 Everyone gets all dressed up and dances the night away. So fun!


Filed under haircut, Happy Birthday!

How I Recover

You know you’re a runner when it’s the day after the marathon and you see other people running and you want to join them… Even though you’re super sore and you can hardly walk up and down stairs.
Though the New York City Marathon was a tough one for me I cannot wait to get back out there. Yesterday I signed up for another half marathon so now I have three races to look forward to in 2014. Two half marathons in Central Park and the Big Sur marathon in April.
In order to get back  out there and train, right now I need to focus on recovery. I’ve been wearing my awesome compression socks and shorts every night when I get home from work and I sleep in them too. I truly believe they help. I wear the cw-x Women’s Pro Shorts. Click here for the link! They are worth the money!
I’m also downing water like it’s my job. That last thing I want to be is dehydrated. Drinking a lot of water also gets me walking – to the bathroom – so it helps my muscles too. In addition to drinking water Ryan and I have made an effort to really eat some healthy dinners. Last night we made steak, baked potatoes and spinach. My iron levels can get low so the steak and spinach really helps after a hard race. I also take one iron pill after dinner nightly.
The last thing for a good recovery is to stretch! It may hurt but it really does help. I stretch before bed so I can fall asleep easier. It helps with sore muscles.
What is your recovery plan after a race?
Oh ps! Today’s my birthday! I’m getting my haircut (should I get bangs???) and going out to dinner with Ryan!!! I can’t wait! 🙂


Filed under Big Sur Marathon, Birthday, Compression Socks, Recovery, Running gear